
Saturday, May 11, 2013

I am still working on getting my plan together. I have talked with coworkers in my department to bounce ideas off them and they think the premise of my plan is good but that the implementation of it may not be as good as I thought. I am thinking of having my research plan deal with differentiating the method of reading delivery based on what works best for each student instead of making them do what I want them to do. I think having it this way will work better because the student will make a choice and be in charge over their learning themselves. Or maybe putting my class into three groups and switch them around every month to see what works best for them by their success on their weekly released tests. So far, I have used the method of audiobook reading for the story we are reading now and I have received mixed reactions to it. Some students are put to sleep by the droning of the person talking but I think those students would sleep if it was me reading or one of their classmates? However, some students like it because it forces them to follow along and read for themselves while they hear the voice read along with them. It's kind of a reinforcement of their reading and sharpens their listening skills as well. I guess I will continue on and see what works best.

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